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App Builder Blog

Get the latest trends in low-code, app development, product updates and more. Here we share our knowledge, best advice, how-tos, research, insights, and more - all with the aim of helping you learn how to build better apps faster.

App Builder AI: How Does It Streamline App Development?

App Builder AI: How Does It Streamline App Development?

In the fast-paced app development world, staying ahead of the curve requires not just skills but the right tools as well. App Builder AI is designed to empower developers and designers by automating the repetitive and time-consuming aspects of the development process. This post dives into the AI-driven features of App Builder, showcasing how these […]

What Is Digital Innovation & Why Is It Important?

What Is Digital Innovation & Why Is It Important?

Who are the most successful digital innovators? These are the people who realize that it takes more than just harnessing new technology for efficiency to digitally innovate a business. It requires leveraging these technologies to create new solutions that drive growth, competitive advantage, and faster time to market, while addressing emerging needs and opportunities at […]

How To Improve Developer Productivity With Low-Code Tools?

How To Improve Developer Productivity With Low-Code Tools?

According to low-code statistics by Forrester, “91% of IT and business decision makers responsible for digital transformation initiatives at enterprises in the US, the UK, Canada, and Australia use low code to improve existing IT capabilities to promote agility and innovation.” And now, they are used as tools to improve developer productivity too. But how?

Maximizing Business Agility with Low-Code Development

Maximizing Business Agility with Low-Code Development

Traditional software methods and outdated business strategies struggle to keep up with the fast-paced technological landscape, but a new game-changer has emerged to redefine the industry – low code. So, let’s examine how innovation tools like App Builder drive transformation and help companies achieve business agility and growth.